TFS - Hi Chris, thanks for doing this, firstly tell us a bit about your self and what you do in INK.
Chris - Well I am currently employed as a graphic designer, and have recently made the jump into the digital world I.E web design etc. The rest of my time is spent doing freelance work and designing INK stuff. The hope is, to one day be self sufficient, when this new range does well who knows what will happen! And with the work we are doing with EMI Records, there are certainly lots of doors slowly opening for us. It’s really an exciting time at the moment!
TFS - Tell us a bit about how INK started and what you’ve been up to over the last couple of years

TFS - Tell us a bit about the new range.
Chris - Developed, mature, exciting, colourful, magnificent, perfect, crisp, clean, fresh, zingy, fruity, delicious, focused, organised and our absolute best work to date! Maybe that’s down to the help we got or our new focus and drive (certainly mine). We actually finished it ahead of schedule! And it was the least stressful ‘range creation’ to date... we got it right this time! Let’s just hope it gets the acclaim and publicity (I think) it deserves!
TFS - have you got any other projects your working on
Chris - Well we just released our new range so we’ll mostly be working on promoting that, that’s the main project just now. As I said before though we’ve been working with EMI records on a range of tshirts for them, using lyrics from songs they own, we’ve got some great designs for Nirvana, Calvin Harris and others on the way, so that’s a big project that we’re looking forward to continuing with. What else will I be doing…. Trying to grow a decent beard. Playing with Fruity Loops and tending to the website.
TFS - being a ‘music inspired clothing company’ what roll has the music scene played in the growth of INK

TFS - INK promotes itself as an eco friendly company, what does ink do to help the environment.
Chris - We promote and donate to the World Land Trust, and print all our designs on eco friendly materials, like bamboo (not friendly for pandas) and 100% organic cotton. And we never ever print designs out on paper when we review them.
TFS - With so many DIY clothing companies starting in the last few years, how do you make ink stand out from the rest and what advice would you give anyone wanting to stat a clothing company

TFS - finally what music are you listening to right now.
Chris - Well I’m in a bit of transitional period at the moment! I really love a good bit of heavy metal, Pantera, Metallica, Slayer... and so on, the usual suspects y’know, great to play and great to watch! But the stuff is just too hard to work to! So I have really got into electro, none of your ‘trancy’ crap though, just good beats, good bass lines and plenty of elektribe vibes splashed over the top – that’s’ where it’s at for me at the moment. For example ‘Hadouken’, ‘Does It Offend You, Yeah?’, ‘Danger’, ‘Yuksek’, ‘Moderat’, ‘In Flagranti’, ‘Vitalic’ and plenty of good stuff I don’t know the name of. Also, album artwork is far more interesting in the electro scene! Who wants black all the time – let’s see some vibrant colours! Definitely and influence on my INK work anyway.
Thanks Chris, check out INK's new range at their website http://www.inkclothing.co.uk/