They're a new addition to the scene (when i typed scene into google for a picture all that came up was pictures of emo kids hahahaha) but already it's clear that these guys are gonna go far! They have a fresh image and music to back it up and with a debut EP soon to be released there is no reason at all why they shouldn't be huge in no time at all!
So, basic question to start! How would you describe your musical style for people yet to hear the band?
Because of the band members having different and similar tastes in certain musical styles its great because we really try to fit a mix of these genres in the music. I (Dan) tend to listen to quite alternative/experimental/indie music such as youthmovies, foals, jonquil, great eskimo hoax, cazals, born ruffians, Partick wolf etc. Joe tends to listen to some of the same, i think his favourite band at the moment are vampire weekend, but then he also listens to some crazy dub step, reggae shit. Then John and Tarek have a lot heavier influences such as at the drive in, mars volta, biffy clyro and cursive. So all of these really do get thrown into the pot.So simply id say our music has a pop and rock framework that experiments with time signatures, sounds and beats with very catchy hooks and heavy epic bridges.
And how exactly did the band get started? What are the roots of the band?

Is there any story behind the band name at all?
Band names are always a difficult, and there were some very dodgy suggestions being thrown around. So i thought id ask my sister for some ideas, and she just shrugged her shoulders and said type mythical creatures into google, up came Dire Wolf, a mythical wolf that roams america. Then we just stuck and e on the end and hey presto!
Why should our readers come see you live?
I was reading a clash interview with joe strummer and he said how their live gigs banished the line between performer and watcher. This is what we try to do as well, bring ourselves down to the crowd level and get stuck in to it with them. We also mix up our songs live and dont play them exactly like they are recorded. We'll strip it down to the core and then build it up more and more which makes it pretty special for the crowd.
Keeping up with the cheesy "Smash Hits" style questions: What CD is currently in your car stereo?

Dan - Best of the smiths
Joe - Orchestra super mazembe
John - Biffy Clyro - Blackened sky
Tarek - He's not here to ask and cant get hold of him so im going to have to make a guess and say either 'Cursive - the ugly organ', 'Mars Volta - De-loused in the Comatorium', or a beach boys compilation.
Joe - Orchestra super mazembe
John - Biffy Clyro - Blackened sky
Tarek - He's not here to ask and cant get hold of him so im going to have to make a guess and say either 'Cursive - the ugly organ', 'Mars Volta - De-loused in the Comatorium', or a beach boys compilation.
Here's a questions I'm asking everybody at the moment; what are your thoughts on the current state of the British music scene?
Its a bit shit isn't it? Because of this financial crisis we're in there isn't much we can do about it, a few years ago I would of been slagging off the major labels for being greedy but at the moment they are struggling to make money as much as the rest of us so I think everyone should get on with it and stop moaning. With regards to illegal downloading thats shit as well. I see all these torrents and downloading programs on the internet, but i really don't understand why the government or anyone just simply takes them away. They call it 'illegal' downloading so why the hell aren't they taking them off there?
And finally, old faithful! Which artists (other than yourselves!) do you see big things for in the future?
Im currently seeing a big wave of oxford bands with very experimental music that could really break the industry with their stuff, and id love to see them do it. Also, being at LIPA (liverpool institute of performing arts) you see alot of quality bands going on such as electric church foundation, dog with human skills, and ziroki. So id love to see them do well cause they all have great music.
Cheers lads! - Your welcome. (I left that in cause it's just so darn polite!)
So check out Dire Wolfe! Gigging up and down the country so you have no excuse!
Listen to them HERE